How we’re dealing with COVID-19
This is a message to both our customers and drinkers. As of writing this, the brewery remains open and we are continuing the production of beer. Our pub, Station East also remains open at this time. We are monitoring the situation very closely each day, using the advice provided by Public Health England and official Government advice to steer our decision making.
The Brewery
It is currently advised that the virus is unlikely to be spread through food and drink. For your reassurance, we always maintain the highest standards in hygiene throughout our SALSA plus Beer accredited brewery. The SALSA certificate is given each year following successfully passing the audit, which ensures beer is produced safely and legally, according to their standard. As always, we will continue to use best practice.
This is an uncertain time for small businesses, and as a brewery, we rely on the demand of pubs and venues. Support your local businesses wherever you can in the hope that they will be able to survive in a worst-case scenario.
We stock a large amount of bottled beer in the brewery. Should you wish to purchase any, please drop by the brewery and we’ll be happy to sort you out. As we envisage that cask sales will drop, sales of our small package products will be more important than ever in keeping us afloat.
{--- UPDATE 19/03/2020
As well as being able to drop into the brewery, we're now offering a Home Delivery service. This is FREE for one or more x12 500ml cases, and 5L minicasks. Order online here or call us on 0191 264 9000
We're also offering a container fill up service. The brewery will be open 9am - 4pm weekdays and 9am - 12pm on weekends for collection and fill up.
Station East
As with our brewery, we maintain the highest standards in hygiene at our pub in Gateshead. This is verified by our Food Standards Agency hygiene rating of 5, the highest possible score. We will be adding extra measures to ensure we do our bit to help stop the spread of the virus. These are as follows:
· Ensuring we’re well stocked with soaps and cleaning products
· Regularly and thoroughly cleaning areas of contact – the bar, tables, door handles, handrails.
· We are encouraging customers to pay using card, and as much as possible, contactless. The avoidance of cash handling is well documented.
· If you are on the premises, we ask that you wash your hands regularly using the anti-bacterial soaps provided.
· If you are showing any of the symptoms, please follow government guidelines and remain isolated.
Thanks for your co-operation on this matter. We’ll update our statement as and when advice changes. Keep an eye on our social media channels for any updates. Look after one another, stay safe, and if it’s all getting too much for you, have a beer.
Hadrian Border Brewery