Our Brewery
Hadrian Border Brewery is situated just 5 mile from Newcastle city centre on the banks of the Tyne in Newburn Industrial Estate. It is a 40 barrel SALSA and SALSA plus Beer accredited plant operated to the highest standards.

Conditioning tanks


Fermenting vessels

Hot liquor tank and mash tun

Dual purpose vessels

Conditioning Tanks

In February 2011, we moved from Byker to our present site in Newburn, at the former Ross’s pickle factory. A brand new custom made 40 barrel plant was commissioned enabling us to meet the higher customer demand. With over a year of construction on the building, the brewery was complete and ready to produce beer at its best.

The beginning

Construction in full swing

Digging the drains

Interior walls

Main office

Cutting out the walls to fit the FV's

Cutting out the walls to fit the FV's


Tight fit!

Finally finished