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Dickensian Beer Specials for 150th Anniversary

Updated: Oct 1, 2020

Update: Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 our Specials for 2020 were put on hold. Hard Times indeed!

A series of special beers released throughout the year will commemorate Charles Dickens, the iconic British writer, on the 150th anniversary year since his death.

Hadrian Border Brewery will release ten beers named after his most famous works including ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘David Copperfield’ and ‘A Christmas Carol’.

It’s known that Dickens visited Newcastle-Upon-Tyne on 6 occasions to give public readings and was a great admirer of the place and its people, once proclaiming “A finer audience there is not in England”. He began an affair with local actress Ellen Ternan, who is believed to have been a major inspiration for his penultimate novel ‘Great Expectations’.

We’re a traditional brewery with years of experience in our craft. It feels right that on this important anniversary we should honour a man who had mastered his own craft to become one of Britain’s most celebrated authors. These beers will be traditionally brewed, but will speak to the modern crowd, much like the works of Dickens!

The first beer will be available from late January, an ode to ‘David Copperfield’. You’ll need to keep an eye out for the Dickensian beers which will have limited availability in bars throughout 2020.

Hadrian Border Brewery has been producing beer at its best since 1994. With over 25 years of experience and knowledge in brewing, Hadrian Border now operates from its SALSA accredited 40 barrel plant in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and is known all over the North-East for its fine ales including – Tyneside Blonde, Farne Island, Grainger Ale and Ouseburn Porter. To learn more about Hadrian Border Brewery, visit

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